
Noise Generation Equipment - Noisecom


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Noisecom – RF and Microwave Noise Generating Equipment

Noisecom, part of Wireless Telecom Group,is a global provider of electronic noise generation equipment and noise sources in the commercial and military telecommunications fields. Utilized for accurate, reliable measurements, users look to Noisecom for specialized assistance with their equipment design.

They provide noise diodes, built-in-test modules (BITE), calibrated noise sources, jitter sources, cryogenic noise standards, and computer controlled instruments that provide either Precision C/N,or broad band white Gaussian noise. Their additive white Gaussian noise can be used for signal jamming and impairment, or calibration. We offer high power broad band noise to interfere with communication signals, and instruments that gradually change SNR using Gaussian, high crest factor noise to determine the robustness of a receiver.




AWGN Noise Generator
Jitter Noise Generator
Vcc Noise Generator
SNR Noise Generator
NC6000A/8000A Series
AWGN Noise Generator
New RFX7000B
Programmable Noise Generator

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